Find and develop new, sustainable ways to fund more shared mobility.
We’ve funded the expansion of infrastructure for cars for nearly a century. Apart from the Highway Trust Fund, we’ve raised substantial state and local dollars to support travel by private cars. We continue to indirectly, but significantly, subsidize private car use through minimum parking requirements and other mandates on real estate development. We need to invest heavily in shared mobility to fight climate change, make our society more equitable, and lower household costs. We need to find new and creative ways to expand and sustain shared mobility infrastructure and services.
We should consider all options, including:
Use funds raised from fees or taxes on shared mobility to reinvest in more shared mobility services and infrastructure
Advocate for flexing capital funds into operational funds to expand shared mobility
Expand the ways to make parking fees contribute to providing more shared mobility and for parking policies to support shared use and/or converting parking spaces into shared-use infrastructure
Adjust parking policies and pricing to encourage more use of shared mobility
Expand the ways to make parking fees contribute to providing more shared mobility
Adjust parking policies and pricing to encourage more use of shared mobility; actively convert excess car parking spaces to serve shared mobility
Explore new models for public-private partnerships for shared mobility
Use the proceeds from new sources of climate-related revenues such as equitable carbon taxes, congestion, and road pricing to expand and support shared mobility and supportive infrastructure
Expand value capture mechanisms and use the proceeds to also pay for more shared mobility
Encourage the provision of shared mobility in community benefits agreements
Increase grant funds and grant programs available for shared mobility
Encourage the development of insurance products that make shared mobility more affordable
Encourage state DOTs and MPOs to use available federal flexible funding for shared mobility projects