Why should you join the Action Agenda Network?
1. Collaborate to align and develop the Climate & Equity Agenda for Shared Mobility
Be a co-author of the Shared Mobility 2030 Action Agenda. The Agenda adapts and evolves to align with the current landscape through an annual review period
Shape the industry’s work towards achieving the Action Items by joining up to three Working Groups. Each Action Item includes a corresponding Working Group to draft plans identifying foundational activities to move the Agenda Item forward.
Present at the National Shared Mobility Summit and other webinars throughout the year
2. Connect with others on your work
Attend the National Shared Mobility Summit and related events with deep discounts
Host a state of the industry virtual forum
Cultivate partnerships at events to help advance the shared mobility industry
3. Share Your Work
Feature your work through a case study that advances the Action Agenda on SUMC’s Mobility Learning Center (MLC). MLC is a knowledge-sharing resource that highlights innovative projects and best practices in shared mobility. *Join the MLC community and its growing number of users, with 90,000 page views and 32,000 unique users, you will have access to a growing population working to further shared mobility.
Showcase your commitments and actions to tackle the climate crisis, fix inequalities in communities, and make transportation costs easier for families in our Annual Report through our Self-Assessment Survey.
In addition to the opportunities listed above that connect to our core values of action and accountability, your support will be acknowledged in the following ongoing SUMC publications:
On the Action Agenda website: In Year 1, the homepage had 30,000 unique visitors and 4,500 views of the Action Network page.
In the Annual Report: The report is promoted t0 major national and regional news outlets.
In select Mobility Hub newsletters: Sent bi-weekly to 20,000 mobility leaders across the United States.
At the National Shared Mobility Summit, the premier conference for people-focused mobility bringing together more than 700 attendees.
If you would like to discuss options regarding the annual contribution, send us email: ActionAgenda@sharedusemobilitycenter.org
Membership Details
Working Groups
Your organization gets to participate in the Action Network Working Groups and send representatives to the working group in-person meetings. You also get to vote on issues that the Action Network members and/or the convenor feels are critical.
There will be seven Working Groups, one for each item of the Agenda. Working Groups will meet at least 4 times a year (with one in-person meeting) and focus on creating a plan (roadmap) the particular Agenda Item. Working groups will include public, private and nonprofit organizations. Working Groups get to define what actions are expected of organizations that are members of the Action Network. (Ex. - Government agencies to include equity outcome metrics or to standardize application requirements. Private companies to include decarbonization and accessibility strategies in their application plans.)
Organizations that complete the Membership Form and send an annual contribution can participate in as many as three Working Groups each year. Your organization can decide which Working Group to join. (SUMC, as convenor, may invite particular organizations to join or chair specific working groups.)
We will create new Working Groups if the Action Network adds new items to the Action Agenda. We will also close Working Groups if we achieve the Agenda Item.
Action Agenda Reports
Your organization gets to submit an Action Agenda Report each year. The Report is your organization’s (company, agency or nonprofit) way to share what you are doing to pursue the Action Agenda. The Action Network members keep each other accountable to the Agenda through the Reports.
We will compile all the reports from the organizations into a State of the Action Agenda Annual Report. We will highlight significant innovations and actions from your organization in media and communications.
Action Agenda Events
Your organization and your report will be highlighted and you may be invited to present or speak on your work at Action Agenda related events. Your organization may also be highlighted or invited to participate in articles and media interviews about the Action Agenda and the Network.
You will be invited to networking and learning sessions where we will highlight new ideas and successful approaches to pursuing the Action Agenda. This may include new policies, new technology, new funding opportunities.
Membership Annual Contributions
Action Network Members are expected to provide an annual contribution to support the Agenda
Public Agencies
Annual contributions from public agencies are based on size of the population in the geographic area they serve. (How many people live in your jurisdiction. Not ridership.)
Population up to 500k = $1,000
Population up to 2M = $2,500
Population over 2M = $5,000
Private Companies
Annual contributions from private companies are based on the number of employees
Up to 25 employees = $1,000
Up to 250 employees = $2,500
Over 250 employees = $5,000
Nonprofit, Research, or Academic Institutions
Annual contributions for nonprofit, research or academic organizations are based on their annual budgets
Less than $1M annual budget = $500
More than $1M annual budget = $1,000
Action Network Supporters
Joining as an Action Network Supporter, your name will be added to the Action Network webpage, you’ll receive copies of the State of the Action Agenda Annual Report, and you’ll be invited to provide written comments on revisions and updates to the Action Agenda.
If you complete the Membership Form and decline the annual contribution, we’ll automatically list your organization as a Supporter in our “List of Participating Organizations” (unless you tell us not to list you).